Dengue Fever

Stay apprehensive of Dengue: Prevention is Key, Protection is Vital!”

Take proactive measures to protect your health and wellbeing because prevention is the best treatment for dengue fever.


Dengue fever also know as “backbone fever,” Dengue fever is mainly transmitted by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, especially the Aedes aegypti species. A mosquito becomes a viral carrier when it bites a person who has the dengue infection. Dengue fever is then shared when an infected mosquito bites another human, allowing the virus to enter that person’s bloodstream. It’s crucial to understand that dengue fever cannot be directly transmitted from one person to another.


  • The dengue virus is spread to people by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4 are the four different serotypes of the virus, which is a member of the Flaviviridae family.


  1. Inadequate mosquito control measures, such as Poor waste management and inadequate cleanliness.
  2. Stagnant water sources, such as abandoned tyres, flower pots, and other rainwater-collecting containers, can serve as mosquito breeding grounds.
  3. Travel to dengue-prone locations, especially those found in tropical and subtropical climates worldwide.
  4. lack of immunity to the dengue virus, since those who have never had the illness or had a vaccination against it are more vulnerable.


Three types of dengue fever are recognised:

  1. Dengue fever (DF): This is the least severe type of dengue infection, with symptoms including a high temperature, intense headache, rash, minor bleeding, and joint and muscular discomfort.
  2. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) : It is a more serious infection caused by the dengue virus. DHF can result in bleeding, blood plasma leakage, organ damage, low platelet counts, and other symptoms in addition to those of DF. If not treated right away, it may be fatal.
  3. Dengue shock syndrome: DSS is the most serious type of dengue illness. It involves DHF symptoms as well as a sudden drop in blood pressure that might result in shock. In situations of DSS, prompt medical intervention is essential.


After being bitten by an infected mosquito, the symptoms of dengue fever usually manifest 4–7 days later. They may be mild to severe, and they could consist of:

  1. Elevated body temperature (up to 104°F or 40°C)
  2. Severe headache
  3. Joint and muscle pain
  4. Fatigue and weakness
  5. Nausea and vomiting
  6. Skin rash
  7.  Nose or gums bleeding(mild)


Diagnostic procedures for dengue fever usually involve a combination of laboratory testing and clinical assessment. The following are a few typical techniques for diagnosing dengue fever:

  1. Physical examination: Physicians may search for dengue fever-specific symptoms, such as fever, rash, headache, joint pain, and muscle soreness.
  2. Blood tests: In order to identify the dengue virus or antibodies against it, doctors may prescribe blood tests. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are a few examples of these assays.
  3. Complete blood count (CBC): As low platelet count is a common symptom of dengue fever, doctors may order a CBC to check for it.
  4. Medical history: To help confirm the diagnosis, doctors may inquire about recent travel history or contact with dengue-infected people.

It’s crucial to remember that dengue fever complications can be avoided with early diagnosis and rapid medical intervention.


The two main methods of preventing dengue fever are limiting mosquito breeding grounds and shielding oneself from mosquito bites. Here are a few preventative actions to consider on:

  1. Get rid of standing water: Frequently empty and wash buckets, flower vases, and pet bowls, among other things that can hold water. To stop mosquitoes from laying their eggs, cover water storage containers tightly.
  2. Use mosquito repellents: Spray clothing and exposed skin with insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. To keep mosquitoes out, use screens or mosquito netting on windows and doors.
  3. Wear protective clothes: To reduce exposed skin when you’re outside, wear long sleeves, long pants, socks and closed-toe shoes.
  4. Stay away of dengue fever-transmitting mosquito hotspots: early morning and late afternoon are when these insects are most active. During these times, try to stay inside or take additional safety measures.
  5. Encourage community-wide efforts to manage mosquito populations by working with local authorities to undertake measures like fogging or insecticide spraying.

    Treatment for dengue fever:

    The main goals of treating dengue fever are symptom relief and problem management. Here are a few typical methods:

    1. Rest and fluid intake: In order to avoid dehydration, one must get enough rest and drink more fluids.
    2. Medication: Acetaminophen, an over-the-counter pain medicine, can help lower fever and ease pain.
    3. Intravenous fluids: To preserve electrolyte balance and hydration in extreme situations, intravenous fluids may be required.
    4. Monitoring: To identify any problems or deterioration of the condition, routine monitoring of the vital signs, platelet count, and hematocrit levels is essential.
    5. Hospitalisation: For careful observation and supportive care, severe cases might need to be admitted to a hospital.
    6. Platelet transfusion: To avoid or treat bleeding issues, a platelet transfusion may be required in extreme circumstances where the platelet count falls noticeably. The medical expert makes this determination in light of the patient’s condition.


    A major health problem in many regions of the world is dengue fever, a virus-related sickness. Dengue fever can be prevented and its spread minimised by being aware of its causes, identifying its symptoms, and adopting preventative steps to shield our communities and ourselves from this crippling illness. To prevent dengue fever, always remember to be knowledgeable, alert, and focused on controlling mosquitoes.

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